Thursday, July 21, 2016

Acting, Drama, Theater, Etc.

I want to tell all of you exactly what acting is like for me, and probably most other actors:

It's scary
It's so incredibly frightening,
Getting up in front of people,
Pretending to be something you aren't
And praying that you don't mess up,
Hoping that you get it right.
Trying to be yourself
And someone else
All at the same time
And it's so worth it

It's exciting
It's absolutely invigorating
Being something that you aren't,
Making other people feel something
Conveying emotion
Through a story that isn't yours.
Memorizing lines
Etched onto a piece of paper,
Bringing those words to life,
And being someone else
All at the same time.
But it's worth it

It's awful
It's absolutely terrible,
Putting yourself out there,
Not knowing how people will respond,
Waiting for days to see if you made it,
Being fine with what you get
And making the most of it.
Trying your absolute best,
And putting your faith
In someone else,
All at the same time.
In the end it's worth it,
The time
And effort.
It's awful
And scary
And exciting
But it's the best thing in the world,
And in the end it's worth it

I think that just about sums up my feelings about acting

Disclaimer: My good friend Bucky just did a post on this topic (acting), so, Buck, if you think I'm copying you then you are exactly right.