Thursday, October 23, 2014


I realize that I've been really bad at consistently posting. But I think that's okay. We all have busy lives and we all have priorities (Sorry but the newest episode of DW couldn't wait......JK) My brothers are really weird. Liddy,(and the other newtons) experienced that on the way home from enrichment classes. Anywhooooo, You know what my favorite part of these posts are? Showing you guys all the awesome pictures that I've collected. I really don't know where I'm goin' with this blog post, just wait. It'll come to me...... Yeah, I got nothin'. Oh wait! I've got a novel idea! Music! I will discuss music!
              ----------------------------------------------------------------------<<That's a long line. ;)
I love music. I'm sure all of you do too. How could you not? it's great! We came up with an awesome song arrangement today. It was really cool. After a lot of experimenting noise. I was just a vocalist though, so I can't really say anything. I wish I could play an instrument. I have instruments but it's just hard to learn. You see, unlike some amazing awesomnessly awesome people I can't learn too well just from watching YouTube videos. I need someone to teach me. But I don't know if that will happen, maybe one day I'll bring my guitar to Thursday classes and on of those amazing awesomnessly awesome people will be willing to teach me. But until then, I have to try my best using YouTube. I really love listening to music too. My favorite songs are the ones that tell a story. Like Johnny cash! Only not. Don't get me wrong....I got nothin' against him. I just don't enjoy his music for some reason, well that's not entirely true. I like a couple of his songs. I can't stand hard rock, note that I said HARD rock. I think some classic rock is fun to listen to (In moderation, you can only handle so much 'back in black')

but hard rock-headbanger kinda stuff is just awful to listen to. I'm not much of a fan of rap either. I like a couple of Christian rap songs. Again, note that I said a couple, meaning, like, two, maybe three. And now we'll go back to the music I like. Have you heard of Rend Collective? They're an Irish Christian band, I like them a lot! I also like the classic......Coldplay. I've currently enjoyed some Monsters and Men stuff. And Christmas songs too! I like a lot of music. As long as it's clean and good (NO Barny songs. Yes they're clean, But they're not good!), I'll listen to it. I even like veggie tales songs. Or parodys. Those are fun. What kind of music do you like? I always love new suggestions.

Randomly Brainy!

                                                                               Some British Lit. Awesomeness! Be very jealous!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sooooo tech-savvy

I'm not a tech-savvy kinda person. The other day I accidentally pressed a button that made the wifi on my computer turn off and it took me two days to figure out how to turn it back on. (And Barrett actually told me how.)  Then it took me two days to figure out how to download all my 1700 pictures from my camera onto my computer. Now I can't figure out how to take pictures with my webcam. Yeah, I know it's sad. Anyways I just wanted to put some pictures on here. They're very very random.
me and 'rory'.


Trees!!! I love fall.

I just think that this is a funny pic.