Thursday, December 15, 2016


The average human lives seventy-one years. The average human goes around the sun seventy-one times. The average human spends seventy-one years living on a planet of dirt and water, in the endless abys called outer space.

So, what does the average human do in those seventy-one years? Well, from observation the average human spends the first part of their life being selfish, and taking all that their parents can give them, but also desperately trying to get an education. Eventually they will go out and try to use the education. Then, people will fall in love, sometimes this happens early, and sometimes this happens late, but it usually happens. After falling in love the person might get married and have kids and some pets, eventually they could have grandchildren. Then, after seventy-one years, they're gone. So, what was that life for? You never really hear about an average life in stories, because people don't find it glamourous or exciting, because it isn't glamorous or exciting. In all of the vast galaxies, among all of the stars and planets, why would one average human even matter?

Well, most people in the lineage of Jesus didn't seem important. Ruth, for example, she was nobody. She was a peasant who managed to marry a rich guy, but if you take a closer look at her story then you'll see that she was so much more. She was loyalty manifested in a person, and because of that many people will hear her story and be touched. Not only that, she was also an important part of the lineage of Jesus Christ.

The average human has more to their story. The average human spent their summers as a teenager trying to vanquish their selfishness by building homes in Central America. They fell in love with someone on that trip who wanted the best for them. Together, those two average people raised up children who ended up being doctors, and writers. Those children saved and changed lives, and in everything they did they thanked God and their parents, for everything. Then, those children had their own children, and the two average people had grandchildren. Those grandchildren would grow up to be lawyers, musicians, businessmen and missionaries, and they would change lives. This all happened because of an average person.

Nobody's life is insignificant. Everybody has some specific purpose chosen by God. If the average person chooses to carry out this purpose, then they will no longer be average. They will be extraordinary.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Music. So much music.

So, I have recently embraced my full music loving side and I wanted to share with you guys some of my favoritest music. I challenge anybody with a blog to answer these questions because who doesn't love new music? And if you don't have a blog then just send in your answers and I'll post them on here. Hope you guys find some new favorites in my list here!

1) Favorite band?
Johhnyswim, without a shadow of a doubt. They are a husband and wife duo and although their songs are secular I believe they are Christians. Go listen to their music right now!

2) Favorite Christian band?
NEEDTOBREATHE for sure. Although they are signed with a secular record label, so if you don't consider them Christian then my second would be All Sons and Daughters. Both of these bands are absolutely wonderful and I recommend all of their music.

3) Favorite genre?
I always love a good showtune and rap (even better when they're both combined *cough* Hamilton *uncough*), but my overall favorite genre would be alternative/indie pop, most of the bands I mention will probably fall into this category.

4) Favorite instrumental album?
I love anything by the Piano Guys or Lindsey Stirling.

5) Favorite movie soundtrack (instrumental/not from a musical)?
Probably The Lord of The Rings and Pride and Prejudice. Both of those movie soundtracks are absolutely amazing and I just love them. (I could go on and on about wonderful movie soundtracks but I won't)

6) Favorite movie soundtrack (from a musical/not instrumental)?
The Les Mis or Phantom of the Opera soundtracks are both incredible. ( Again, I could go on and on with this question)

7) Favorite album at the moment?
This always changes for me, so I had to add the "at the moment" part in. I am loving the new Johnnyswim album called Georgica Pond. Again, go listen to it. Even if it is not your style appreciate the lyrics and just bask in the glory of what is known as Johnnyswim.

8) Top 5 favorite songs at the moment?
Little Bird- Ed Sheeran, Let it all go- Birdy, No Excuses-NEEDTOBREATHE, Perfectly Lonely- John Mayer, You Can't Stop Me-Andy Mineo

9) Secular artist (that you listen to) with the most talent?
Can't narrow it down so I would say: Probably Ed Sheeran or Johnnyswim, but I do think that Adele and Sia are also pretty talented (when it comes to their voices)

10) Christian artist with most talent?
I think that Lauren Daigle has an incredible voice and doesn't get enough credit.

11) Favorite classic rock song?
Everyone has one. I would say my favorite is Don't Stop Believin' by Journey but I also love Bohemian Rhapsody by queen

12) Best performance you've seen?
Family Force 5 was definitely the most fun performance I've seen, but I also loved the rawness of Jamie Grace, as well as the way Tenth Avenue North ministered. I'm really not the biggest concert person, but I liked these three performances a lot.

13) Favorite artist as a child?
I loved Toby Mac. I loved him. I knew all his songs and yeah, he was definitely my favorite.

14) Favorite Christmas album?
I love the original Pentatonix Christmas album, but really any Christmas song is my favorite.

15) Top fifteen songs that everyone should listen to?
Difference Maker- NEEDTOBREATHE, Let it Go- James Bay, Tonight- Flame, Hesitate- Steve Moakler, Fix You- Coldplay, All The Poor and Powerless- All sons and Daughters, Live While We're Young- Johnnyswim, Let Her Go-Passenger, I See Fire- Ed Sheeran, I Will Be There- Odessa, House Of Gold- Twenty One Pilots, Make It Rain- Ed Sheeran, Georgica Pond- Johnnyswim, Living in the Moment- Jason Mraz, Called Me Higher- All Sons and Daughters
(I could've listed hundreds more but I didn't think you all would appreciate that.)

There's so much more music I want you all to know about, but I think I'll just leave it at that for now. I really would love to see your answers and I hope that you all will listen to some of these songs so then we can obsess over them together!
Until Next Time!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Well hello world.
First, I'm sorry. I haven't posted in weeks (maybe months)
Second, Summer is almost over! This makes me sad.


Exactly one month ago I was leaving New Mexico. I had just spent an incredible week at the Manuelito Children's Home with my youth group. I don't exactly know how to explain that week. The phrase "You had to be there." really rings true here, but I'm still going to try to explain it as best as I can.
We arrived in New Mexico on August 3rd, everyone filed out of Ol' Bessie (the youth van) and piled into Cottage 5, which was our home for the next week. All six of us girls piled into one room, we couldn't see the floor because all of our mattresses took up about 90% of the room, but it wasn't too bad. Everyone was anxious for the next day.
The cleaning crew in their natural habitat (a school bathroom)

Day 2 of the venture we did some service projects around the Children's Home. I ended up on cleaning duty, and my brother Barrett ended up painting, both were much harder jobs than they sound. We cleaned a school's bathrooms and kitchen. Ever done that before? Yeah, it gets a little dirty. In the bathrooms the walls were painted tan, or so we thought, until we started scrubbing them and discovered that they were actually white. Yeah. I'll spare you from the rest of the details about the bathrooms. (Disclaimer: People just did not have the time to clean these things, it's not like they just didn't care at all,.) Then we got to meet the kids. Some of the teens from our group just hit it off with the kids, and it was a really great thing to see. I ended up with a little girl named Geri, we didn't necessarily hit it off right away, but eventually she grew to somewhat like me.

Me and Geri
So the next day came along and we just continued to clean and paint. It was basically just like the day before. Nothing special. That night we played a big game of hide and seek with the kids, and that was that.

Saturday (Day 4) Was probably one of my favorites. We spent the entire day with the kids, playing games, doing crafts, and just getting to know them. They were absolutely adorable and so fun to hang out with. One little girl named Shyanne painted everyone's nails, and then my friend Mia showed her how to
We were making clay sculptures
My friend decided to look like a Muppet
and tell me cheezy pick-up lines.
Thus explains this picture

play guitar. My friend Eliza and I gave some kids henna tattoos and they loved it! Then everyone ended up eating dinner and playing at the park to finish off the day.

Sunday was our first day in Zuni. We went to, what I believe is the only church there. The people welcomed us like we had been going there for years, and their worship and sermon were incredibly raw and unplanned, (if you know what I mean) no special effects, or fancy lights. We then saw more of Zuni. We watched a traditional rain dance that just so happened to be going on while we were there, and everybody knew where this dance would be happening and they just crowded around going on strangers roofs and underneath the shade of random houses, it was kind of incredible to experience. As we were walking around we just saw signs taped to people's doors advertising things they were selling. Really to sum up my thoughts about Zuni, I would have to say that it's got some great people, but it also has a lot of rough parts, and it's really solemn and honestly kind of sad, but nobody really wants to break their habits and cycles to make a better life for themselves.

Now I'm going to spam you guys with some random pictures of Zuni: 

Outdoor ovens that they use to cook Zuni Bread

Our whole group with a man selling "Piki Bread"
(A paper thin blue corn bread)

Monday was when the real work began. It was a pretty hard day. I don't know if I'm remembering correctly but I believe this was the day that we had to say goodbye to some of the kids, including Geri and Shyanne, because they were going back to Zuni to live with their families. The girls painted and cleaned, and all the boys built a retaining wall. It was super hot and the house was pretty small, so it got pretty crowded in there. The retaining wall took the guys all day. They had to dig holes big enough to fit these huge
wooden poles, and they then filled the wall with dirt after they were finished. Later that night we got a call that the retaining wall was cutting into the neighboring property and we had to rebuild it. Yeah. That was a little rough. Oh and that was the day that I got stung by a bee inside of the mouth and then passed out. Oops. It actually didn't hurt too badly, but I was scared to drink from a soda can for about two weeks after that.

Our makeshift setup for the free food

Tuesday was pretty rough. It was our last day there and first we went to a house in the rougher part of town where they don't have electricity or water. We took their trash to the dump and then left to go rebuild the retaining wall at the house from the day before. Half of us finished the wall while the other half set up at the church to give away free food and stuff. It was a slow start, but we gave away almost everything. We then had to say our goodbyes to Zuni.That night we spent some time with the kids and cleaned up the cottage a little.

Me and Najhoni
The next morning was spent like the night before, cleaning up and playing with the kids. We packed
up our bags and said goodbyes to Cottage 5. Before we left we were able to say goodbye to the kids. I will never forget when we started to drive away and a little girl name Najhoni started running beside the van yelling "Goodbye Arielle!" I truly fell in love with all of the little kids at Manuelito Children's Home

      Barrett and his little buddy Quartez

Overall I thought this was an amazing experience, and I'm so glad we were able to serve as much as we did and although it had it's ups and downs I'm still so glad I went. Also, I do not mean to degrade anyone with this post. I respect the people and culture of Zuni. If you'd like to know more about it then I'd love to tell you! Also, sorry if this post is really scatterbrained and long, it's so hard to put my thoughts in a well organized, well written post.

That's all folks!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Acting, Drama, Theater, Etc.

I want to tell all of you exactly what acting is like for me, and probably most other actors:

It's scary
It's so incredibly frightening,
Getting up in front of people,
Pretending to be something you aren't
And praying that you don't mess up,
Hoping that you get it right.
Trying to be yourself
And someone else
All at the same time
And it's so worth it

It's exciting
It's absolutely invigorating
Being something that you aren't,
Making other people feel something
Conveying emotion
Through a story that isn't yours.
Memorizing lines
Etched onto a piece of paper,
Bringing those words to life,
And being someone else
All at the same time.
But it's worth it

It's awful
It's absolutely terrible,
Putting yourself out there,
Not knowing how people will respond,
Waiting for days to see if you made it,
Being fine with what you get
And making the most of it.
Trying your absolute best,
And putting your faith
In someone else,
All at the same time.
In the end it's worth it,
The time
And effort.
It's awful
And scary
And exciting
But it's the best thing in the world,
And in the end it's worth it

I think that just about sums up my feelings about acting

Disclaimer: My good friend Bucky just did a post on this topic (acting), so, Buck, if you think I'm copying you then you are exactly right.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Summery Stuff and Civil War

Helloooooo everybody!
I haven't blogged in a while, and it's nice to be sitting at my computer typing away. I love the "click" that the keyboard makes.
How are you all? Even though I can't hear your answers I'm guessing they're along the lines of "pretty good". I'll have you all know that I am very happy, and the reason for my happiness is simply that summer is here.
You might be thinking: How can a season make someone so happy? I honestly don't know, but I'm going to try to sum it up for you in a little poem kinda thing (it's a bit sloppy and doesn't have any rhyme or reason, but it tries to explain my love, so just go with it)

Oh how I missed you,
I thought you'd never come back,
I'm sorry I doubted you,
It's just that I missed you so much,
Oh summer,
Your bright sunny days always cheer me up,
It's like the sun is giving me a hug
It's warm
It's comforting
Your dark rainy days cheer me up too
Rain isn't gloomy
It's just washing away impurities
And the start of new beginnings,
And I'll always prefer rain to snow,
Oh summer
You will let me go outside,
Without fear of freezing to death,
I don't feel crowded or cramped when you're around,
And I can play games
And eat s'mores
And you won't judge me,
I can explore whenever I want,
I don't have to worry about the responsibilities of winter,
Oh summer
I'm free

Now I'm going to share my SPOILER FREE (and totally biased) thoughts on.......
Captain America: Civil War

I thought it was amazing! I especially loved the part where they went back in time to 1863 and Captain America fought alongside his idol Ulysses Grant, but then Iron Man decided that he wanted to fight against Captain America because Ulysses was taking up wayyyy to much of Captain America's time. Tearjerking.
Seriously though, it was amazing! I thought the action was done really well and they brought in a lt of new characters without it feeling overwhelming, it also was really organized and not all over the place (*cough* like Batman V Superman *uncough*), the plot was good, and it had wonderful character development, it also had great humor that fit in really well, and sad parts that didn't feel forced, the only thing I didn't like was the romance, but I know some people loved it. Overall this was an awesome movie, I give it a 10/10, if you get the chance then I highly recommend you watch it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Random Inspirational Stuff from Our Town

        I was recently in a play called Our Town (as I'm sure you're all aware).
It was a great experience and I think we pulled it off fantastically! Bravo fellow cast members!
Anyways, it's a great play. It makes you question and value life, it makes you cry and laugh, go look it up on youtube if you've never seen it before.

        A couple of very memorable lines that I would like to discuss are: "Do people realize life while they live it?" "Oh earth you're too wonderful for anyone to realize you!" 
Those lines are great. They always inspired me. (I don't know why, they just did.)

         I mean, many people don't even realize what they're doing with their life. Most people don't even care. Some people don't even think that what they do in life matters, but it does. Humans are capable of so many things.

A simple person can change the world.
A human being has the ability to change other human beings. You could change someone, for the worse or better, it's your decision.
You decide how to live your life.
You decide how you want to affect people.
You decide to change the world.

         Think of this: At your funeral how do you want to be remembered? What legacy do you want to leave behind? Who do you want in your life and how do you want to affect them?
Live your life to the fullest. Don't waste it. Nobody knows how long they have to make a difference, so take your chance while you have it.
1 Timothy 4:12- Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.

Just some of my random thoughts that I wanted to share with you.....

Monday, February 29, 2016

Poems and Such

Hello everyone! I would like to share some of my random poems with you, I wrote these in a creative writing class at my old school. I hope you enjoy!

(A poem using personification)

The house looked like it was crying
as the windowsills sagged
and raindrops ran down it's frame,
it's windows were broken,
the door was cracked,
its paint was shredded,
it's roof was no longer good,

The house could do nothing,
and the rain flooded in,
it was drowning in itself,
it was falling apart from the inside,
and all it could do was sit there,
and all it could do was cry

(A poem about my kitty)

I think my cat is evil,
I really truly do,
my cat tries to attack me,
and tries to kill me too,

I think my cat's an alien
sent from outer space,
she came here with a mission:
destroy the human race,

I think my cat wants to rule
every country on the earth,
so that cats will reign supreme
and own the planet's worth,

But maybe my cat's not all those things
maybe she's just a cat,
who likes to play and run around,
and maybe that's just that.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

If You Never Try Then You'll Never Know

I got the inspiration for this post from a song (Fix You by Coldplay), somehow music gets me extremely inspired, but that is not the point. Focus Arielle!

     New years resolutions are a popular thing, well for about two days, then people seem to forget about them. I just always wonder what would happen if people didn't forget them and actually kept new years resolutions.
     What if people actually did what they dream of doing? (That sentence might've sounded completely confuzzled to you. Sorry.)

     Anyways, what if you decided to actually be bold and try new things? Go talk to that new kid, or the person you like ( Don't say bleh or stop reading, it's just an example) Go on an adventure, even if it's just in your backyard. Go read about something that interests you. Go try a new food. Go try playing football (it's really fun in the snow.) Go try a new hobby.
     Just GO. Just TRY. Just be BOLD and BRAVE.
     Who cares if you look weird, or if people judge you? As long as you have fun (and don't break the law, or do anything to get you in trouble), who cares what other people think? It's their problem if they choose to judge an awesome person like you.
     Also, have you heard anyone say "I regret deciding to learn that new instrument" or "It was a terrible idea to become friends with that person who looked lonely." (Yes, there are some people you shouldn't try to be friends with, but that's not what I'm talking about.)
      Basically, what I'm saying is that you should go fulfill your dreams. Because, you might never get another chance. Take these chances. Yes, you're probably young if you're reading this. You might not be able to do a lot of things (travel overseas, get married, or whatever your dream is.) But do what you can, work towards your goals, because you can't say "I'll do it tomorrow" forever.

      Well, that's all I got. I hope it inspired you.

Great question! I would love to know your answer! (because I'm weird like that *nervous laugh*)

Also, just to clarify I'm not telling you to go do something stupid. I'm also not saying that you shouldn't trust God. He knows the plans He has for you, but I believe sometimes he wants you to work for things to happen in your life.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I'm back, and I have a game!

Yes everyone, I am back! I'm sorry I was away so long, even though I basically just tell you all useless junk. I didn't post because of craziness with school and holidays and such, but I hope to start posting semi-frequently, like I used to.
Now that I've said that I have a game that is hosted by friend Dr. Elemis Pott, she is doing it purely for her own enjoyment and I am choosing to participate in it because it's snowing and I'm bored.


 1. Find a character in a movie, TV show, or book that looks most like you.
2. Find a character that acts most like you, and you think other people see you as.  (Don't ask someone else.  Come up with it on your own).
3. Find a character that expresses you childhood best, or has a story similar to yours.
4. Find a character that expresses your *takes a deep breath and prepares to say a very corny sentence*  inner you.  (Not what people see you as outwardly).
5.  And finally, find a character that shares a habit or interest that you also have.

Numero uno:

This was the hardest of them all. I spent probably 45 minutes trying to find a character that looks like me. At first all I could come up with was Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) and Clara (from Doctor Who)

But they weren't quite like me, so I searched deep down in my brain and found my look-a-like:
Margo (from Despicable Me)

Update: I have recently been informed that I look like Osgood (the glasses and scarf fangirl from Doctor Who)

I would really like to know if you guys think that I look like any of these characters, or if I look like any movie character at all.  

Numero Dos:

I think I probably act most like Ana (from Frozen), I'm clumsy and awkward, but I'm friendly and smile a lot, so that makes up for it. (Also I might've slightly cheated because people have told me I act like her. Heeeheeeeeeheeee oops)

Numero Tres:

I think the character with the most similar childhood would be thumper (from Bambi)

Why? Good question. He is the oldest, he has a bunch of sisters (opposite of my situation, but still.)

He always has to watch out for all his siblings, and sometimes they really annoy him, but at the end of the day he still loves them.

Numeros four (I don't know how to say four in Spanish and I could just google it, but I'd rather not.):

The characters most like my "inner self" would be Amy and Rory (from Doctor Who). Yes I said Amy and Rory. I'm like Amy because I'm stubborn and sarcastic, but I'm like Rory because I'm loyal and would do anything for the people I love.

Numeros five (again, I don't know how to say it in Spanish):

I have a lot of common interests with Rapunzel (Art, music, dancing, baking, stars, travel, the list could go on and on and on)

That's all folks, hope you found this enlightening and entertaining!
Also, I noticed that I used almost entirely Doctor Who and Disney characters. Hahaha

Until next time,

Keep being random and brainy