The average human lives seventy-one years. The average human goes around the sun seventy-one times. The average human spends seventy-one years living on a planet of dirt and water, in the endless abys called outer space.
So, what does the average human do in those seventy-one years? Well, from observation the average human spends the first part of their life being selfish, and taking all that their parents can give them, but also desperately trying to get an education. Eventually they will go out and try to use the education. Then, people will fall in love, sometimes this happens early, and sometimes this happens late, but it usually happens. After falling in love the person might get married and have kids and some pets, eventually they could have grandchildren. Then, after seventy-one years, they're gone. So, what was that life for? You never really hear about an average life in stories, because people don't find it glamourous or exciting, because it isn't glamorous or exciting. In all of the vast galaxies, among all of the stars and planets, why would one average human even matter?
Well, most people in the lineage of Jesus didn't seem important. Ruth, for example, she was nobody. She was a peasant who managed to marry a rich guy, but if you take a closer look at her story then you'll see that she was so much more. She was loyalty manifested in a person, and because of that many people will hear her story and be touched. Not only that, she was also an important part of the lineage of Jesus Christ.
The average human has more to their story. The average human spent their summers as a teenager trying to vanquish their selfishness by building homes in Central America. They fell in love with someone on that trip who wanted the best for them. Together, those two average people raised up children who ended up being doctors, and writers. Those children saved and changed lives, and in everything they did they thanked God and their parents, for everything. Then, those children had their own children, and the two average people had grandchildren. Those grandchildren would grow up to be lawyers, musicians, businessmen and missionaries, and they would change lives. This all happened because of an average person.
Nobody's life is insignificant. Everybody has some specific purpose chosen by God. If the average person chooses to carry out this purpose, then they will no longer be average. They will be extraordinary.
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