Thursday, February 26, 2015

Stuff and things

I have been in a very crafty mood lately. Since I've been in that mood I finally got some projects done. I got this old guitar from some friends, and turned it into a shelf (which I'll show you how to do sometime soon). But in order to do that I had to rip apart the guitar. It made me really sad. To know that I was destroying something that once made beautiful music. It looked like a pretty old guitar to me. Who knows what emotions went into that instrument? Maybe someone played it after something sad happened in their life. Maybe that was their happiness. To play that old guitar. It was sad for me to destroy it. But I did it. (With the help of JJ). 
I realized that sometimes emotions can just be poured out into items. I mean just think about it. You probably had some toy that always used to cheer you up.  I used to talk to a huge stuffed moose that I had ,when I was younger, if I was sad. Or maybe holding onto a favorite pillow. Reading a favorite book. Sometimes I'll look at my old birthday cards, just for fun, it makes me smile. Sometimes I wonder if God gives us special "things" just to give us a smile. I love how God works like that. He knows just the right thing to get us jumping for joy, or smiling after a sad day. He has a rainbow planned after the storm. Because God is just amazing like that. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

My short story

Hey everyone! So, I wrote a short story and really wanted to share it with you. I would really appreciate your feedback!
Here it goes:

    I heard the sharp breaths racing out of my mouth. The echoes of my footsteps haunted my ears. It was there, closing in on me. I tried to be silent. To calm the nervous air that was entering and exiting my lungs. I tried to find courage, but it was lost.
   I looked behind me. There it was, rounding the corner. The thing I feared most. I could never escape it. It was always there, right behind me. I kept running. My knees kept buckling. My calves throbbed. I could barely hear anything over the sound of my own anxious heartbeat.
    "I can't do this." I whispered to myself. As the words left my mouth the enemy got closer. I tried to go faster, yet all my surroundings seemed to pass by in slow motion. "You're too weak." The words I spoke to myself echoed off the endless metallic walls. The enemy got even closer. It's presence made my skin crawl. My vision started to blur. My lungs ached. My stomach hurt. My legs were stinging. "Stop trying. It will catch you anyways." My voice rang in my ears. I could now feel the ice cold breath of what was behind me. I couldn't continue. I collapsed in a heap on the floor. It had caught me.
    I looked up. My head hurt. My eyes finally adjusted to the light. I saw myself standing before me. Another form, but me nonetheless. There was an ice cold look in it's eyes. Then, the other me spoke. "You're worthless." It spat out. The words hit me like a blow to the stomach. "Stop!" I cried out, but it just kept going. "You'll never amount to anything. No one loves you. You're a burden." Now my head was spinning. Each word had hit me hard. I could barely breathe. Everything started to go black. The other me started to speak again, but I ignored the words. I wouldn't accept defeat. It took all my strength, but I managed to speak. "Those words." My throat stung. "Aren't true." I finished with a gasp for air. I looked up and could see the other me disappear into a black mist. A scream erupted from it. I curled into a heap on the floor, and everything went black.

Thanks for listening!