Monday, February 29, 2016

Poems and Such

Hello everyone! I would like to share some of my random poems with you, I wrote these in a creative writing class at my old school. I hope you enjoy!

(A poem using personification)

The house looked like it was crying
as the windowsills sagged
and raindrops ran down it's frame,
it's windows were broken,
the door was cracked,
its paint was shredded,
it's roof was no longer good,

The house could do nothing,
and the rain flooded in,
it was drowning in itself,
it was falling apart from the inside,
and all it could do was sit there,
and all it could do was cry

(A poem about my kitty)

I think my cat is evil,
I really truly do,
my cat tries to attack me,
and tries to kill me too,

I think my cat's an alien
sent from outer space,
she came here with a mission:
destroy the human race,

I think my cat wants to rule
every country on the earth,
so that cats will reign supreme
and own the planet's worth,

But maybe my cat's not all those things
maybe she's just a cat,
who likes to play and run around,
and maybe that's just that.

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