About a month ago Wonder Woman came out. It took the world by storm. Everywhere I looked there was some mention of this movie. For good reason too. I have watched this movie twice and come to the conclusion that I love it (big shocker there). There were so many great lessons in this film, so now I will tell you all exactly why you should love this movie.
I’m going to keep this post pretty spoiler free, but read at your own risk.
-First of all, I love that this is a movie about a woman superhero. Of course you all saw this coming, but it truly makes me happy. I am all for gender equality and am glad that we see a woman able to fight just as well as men. Yes, there is black widow and scarlet witch, but Wonder Woman (Diana) is different. She fights in the same style as men, and doesn’t feel the need to use her gender to her advantage. Gal Gadot, who plays Wonder Woman, actually served in her countries military, and along with that she learned martial arts for her role. Along with her awesome fighting style, Wonder Woman is incredibly smart. She knows endless languages and has read countless books. In Batman vs Superman we see even more of her genius, but I hope we get to see even more in Justice League, because I don’t believe we’ve even scratched the surface of her mind capabilities. Basically, Wonder Woman is an actual warrior and the coolest woman I have ever seen on the big screen.
-It’s not just Wonder Woman that we see being awesome. There is a whole island filled with awesome warrior women. These women are strong and beautiful, but they’re also different sizes and colors. They don’t all fit in to America’s conventional “beauty”, and I love it. The thing is, little girls will be able to look at these women and see people they can relate to, with the same height or skin color or hair or eyes. Girls will be able to see role models in these characters.
-Wonder Woman would not have been able to save the world if it wasn’t for the awesome men in her life. They helped her physically and emotionally. They kept her grounded. See, these men knew that she could handle herself, but they showed her that she didn’t have to. If it wasn’t for the men who helped Diana, then the outcome of the movie would’ve been a lot worse. Steve Trevor, Diana’s love interest, was able to save Wonder Woman, so that she was able to save the world.
Now on to the lessons learned:
-People are not always good. There are terrible people out there, ones undeserving of help and forgiveness. The thing is, even though people don’t deserve it, they still need help. As Christians we need to show people the love of God. Because there’s always going to be someone out there doing bad stuff. There’s always going to be someone who’s selfish and terrible, but as long as it is in your power, you need to love and forgive these people. This movie really showed that people always need help, and we need to give it to them.
-We shouldn’t put limits on people because of their gender, race, looks, social status or anything. If someone wants to do a good thing then they should not be denied that because of something as silly as gender.
-Even the strongest of people need help. Okay there’s obviously a theme of helping others going on here, but that was probably the biggest theme of the movie. Anyways, everyone needs a good support group. Even Wonder Woman needed help and she’s one of the strongest people on earth (according to comic books). Basically, everyone needs somebody who can help then when times get tough and they get weak.
-It’s okay to have emotions. I’ve found that many people think that crying is a sign of weakness. That could not be more wrong. Crying shows that you have a heart and feelings and passion. In Wonder Woman we see everyone having emotions. Men and women alike are shown crying in this movie, and it’s not portrayed as a sign of weakness, which I think is fantastic. It’s a refreshing change of pace to see strong people having hearts and emotions.
-Hardships are going to come, and you can either let them weaken you or make you stronger. See, Wonder Woman gets to a point where she’s endured one of the hardest things ever. She’s been hurt and beat down and all she can do is scream and cry. That’s when she discovers that she can use that passion to do good. She can take all of the hurt that she is feeling and she can use that to push her forward. Wonder Woman let her hardships make her stronger, and by doing that she saved the world.
I could go on and on about this movie, but I’m just going to stop while I’m ahead. Basically, people need to stop focusing so much on the fact that this a superhero movie about a woman, and focus more on the actual story and characters. And if you haven’t seen this movie yet then go watch it and be amazed.