Did anyone watch the new Doctor Who episode? (The premier of season 8) If you did then you can feel my pain and disgust of my favorite tv show doing something as horrific as what they decided to put in that episode. If you didn't watch it then I envy you. You're entire view of doctor who was not completely ruined. I thought it was going to be awesome. I was soooo excited and then BOOM it came on and right away it was the opposite of what I thought it'd be. Do. Not. Watch. It. Whatever people tell you, don't watch it! It was so disappointing. Although the new Doctor is much better than I thought he'd be.
Randomly Brainy
PS Sorry this post was so short but I just had to tell you guys.
My reaction to the premier of season 8. |
Okay, first: that was an awesome set of pictures about your reaction!
ReplyDeleteSecond, I just saw that episode. Like, 20 minutes ago. I think that the writers were trying to get across 2 different messages.
1. The Doctor has a creepy new-old face. Get over it.
2. Gay marriage is fine! Finefinefinefine. See? It's totally fine! It'sfinefinefine!
Soooo....yeah. I'm thinking it was that content that turned you off from the episode. I was totally revolted by it all, too. Our pastor said the other day that there are three things you can do with sin: hide it, confess it, or parade it. I think the gay marriage community is parading it; trying to convince others (and themselves) that it's okay. They're having some difficulty doing so, though, so they just lay on the "It's fine!"s. I mean, no one had any difficulty convincing me that truth, honesty, and love is good. But they're having problems convincing me that Gay marriage is good. Wonder why. Probably because....it's not, and as humans with consciences, we all know that deep down.
Anyway! That was my little blurb on that. I thought they did a fantastic job on the actual story.... I'm in love all over again. I think that Peter Capaldi is going to be an excellent new doctor!
Yes, they can NOT convince me that it's okay. Because it isn't! I almost wasn't allowed to watch Doctor Who anymore because of it. I really hope that those characters don't appear in the episodes again. I loved the character that Peter Capaldi played though. He's eccentric yet kind of dark and mysterious all at the same time and I just think that's awesome! I really want to watch the next one though! The Daleks always return. It's kind of annoying. But as I was saying Peter Capaldi's a great doctor and i'm excited for the rest of his episodes (as long as they don't have anymore inappropriate characters or scenes) Thanks for commenting Elisabeth you always give great opinions!