Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Poetic.........fails. Oh and Pizza! Can't forget about that.

I like making devious plans, it's pretty fun.
I also like listening to music, I've seriously been listening to it nonstop for two days. 
I can't multitask. In writing critique the other day I was reading my story and apparently put someone's last name as Parker because I was talking to my brothers about spiderman. 
I want pizza. 
I really do.
Like right now.
I've been deprived of pizza for like a whole day!
I'm the pizza angel. 
I NEED pizza.
Wait! Oh sorry. That was weird. Or normal. It depends on if you know me or not. Obviously you guys all know me, or you wouldn't be reading this. Anywaysssssssss
I want to share a poem with you guys....It's super serious.

Bring it on winter, we're ready for you.
Don't be shy, you can bring your snow too.

Come on, we're all mountain dorks here. 
We always keep out our cool snow gear.

Winter, we're waiting
and anticipating,

The return of the snow. 
It's been 3 months, it's time to go.

Come on snow--- actually you know what. Just stay where you are until Christmas.

and that........was not as cool as I thought. Oh well. Better luck next time.

I'll just go be Randomly Brainy somewhere else now. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Me? Weird? Thank you so much!!!!! -- My friends? Weird? Hellloooooo that's why they're my friends!

I discovered that I really like nerdy kinda things. So I suppose that makes me a nerd. I don't see what else it would make me. After all. I do have glasses (which are about as nerdy as you can get ;)
Today when we were watching Doctor Who I was yelling at the TV. People's stupidity in movies drives me absolutely crazy. (I have to hold it back in the movie theater)
I also just start randomly talking like i'm from a TV show. That probably drives other people crazy. Along with some of my other habits (like playing the cup song without any cups or clicking magnetic rocks together for hours on end.Or singing and playing the same random song over and over and over or quoting some character from a book or Marvel or BBC and occasionally veggie tales or something of that nature) Who else has these quirks? Probably none of you. Ya know. I could've made that list so much longer.
I think I have mild short term memory loss.
I'm kinda really clumsy, I've literally tripped over air before. I'm not joking.
Today in writing critique I had to apologize for my writing ahead of time. I said 'I wrote this in the morning and at night so if it's weird, well, get over it. (Although then I realized how weird writing can be.)
Sorry. Just had to explain my weirdness.
I have some really great friends. Ya know, some people just sit on phones and such and don't even talk to other people. What's that all about? I mean seriously, you could take over the world by sending everyone a text. (Don't get any ideas) Oh wait, getting of topic. Did I put that on the list? Wait! Ah yes, there's my mind again. I kinda lost it. I like how my friends will actually engage with me rather than send me a text saying 'wt do u want 2 do' (I hate when people's grammar is off. Which is Ironic considering I use made up words like yeporooni) I love how my friends never got too old to have an imagination. I love how i'm also friends with their older siblings and they don't look at me as an immature freshman (I hope.) I love how they are all nerds with me! I could list so much more I love about them, but for your sake i'll keep my posts pretty short ;)
Keep bein' Randomly Brainy!

I finally realized that and I think it's for the better.

This is like the best quote plus it's from DW (you can't deny the awesomeness!)

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Sorry for not posting very often. Life is busy. I got reading out of the way though. 950 pages done in four days. Oh and also an essay type thingamadoodad. Also, I am getting a laptop! Which means.....more posts! Now I'm not sure whether more posts is a good thing or a bad thing but I'll tell you when I find out. I've discovered that I need a job. Not a babysitting job. A real one. Anywayssss.............

Have you noticed how homeschoolers and technology are 'treated' (from a person who doesn't homeschool point of view. If that makes sense)  If you homeschool and own a computer then you must be completely obsessed with technology in a nerdy way. You spend your time programming every computer in the house to talk to you in a robot monkey voice and remind you of your 5 O' clock meeting with apple on how you could completely revolutionize the iPad 5. Or your family doesn't even own a computer. You've never even seen one before in your life. Somehow there's no inbetween (I don't know why)

So there's my little rant about how people can completely read homeschoolers wrong.Well most homeschoolers (I know some people who would be classified under the first stereotype.) One thing we do love is music though! They've probably got at least that right. :)
Stay Randomly Brainy!