Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Poetic.........fails. Oh and Pizza! Can't forget about that.

I like making devious plans, it's pretty fun.
I also like listening to music, I've seriously been listening to it nonstop for two days. 
I can't multitask. In writing critique the other day I was reading my story and apparently put someone's last name as Parker because I was talking to my brothers about spiderman. 
I want pizza. 
I really do.
Like right now.
I've been deprived of pizza for like a whole day!
I'm the pizza angel. 
I NEED pizza.
Wait! Oh sorry. That was weird. Or normal. It depends on if you know me or not. Obviously you guys all know me, or you wouldn't be reading this. Anywaysssssssss
I want to share a poem with you guys....It's super serious.

Bring it on winter, we're ready for you.
Don't be shy, you can bring your snow too.

Come on, we're all mountain dorks here. 
We always keep out our cool snow gear.

Winter, we're waiting
and anticipating,

The return of the snow. 
It's been 3 months, it's time to go.

Come on snow--- actually you know what. Just stay where you are until Christmas.

and that........was not as cool as I thought. Oh well. Better luck next time.

I'll just go be Randomly Brainy somewhere else now.