Thursday, March 5, 2015

Compliments and such

I've come to really appreciate compliments. Not flattery. Compliments. A few people I know don't accept compliments. Maybe they just don't think they're genuine. Maybe they're confusing compliments for flattery. Maybe they're full of self confidence, maybe the complete opposite. I should look into that. Well anyways, I think that genuine compliments are the way to win someone's friendship. People are always being criticized. Humans love to tell you what you're doing wrong. I've found that sometimes bringing people down builds confidence. I don't know why, but it does, or so I've heard. So, with all that criticism if you tell someone a genuine compliment, they realize you're different. That you won't put them down. That the only criticism you'll be giving is the constructive type. That you are great best friend material. It takes a lot more maturity and honor to give a compliment. But remember, flattery is much different than a compliment. People love being built up by others. Go give someone a compliment. Just do it. Make it genuine. Make it kind. Build someone up. Maybe you'll make a new friend.

Just a little something to think about and occupy your thoughts for a bit. ;)
Have a good day!

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