Olaf- he was a great character. Always optimistic and bubbly. I loved him. If you didn't then you have no heart. Sorry, it's true. He even 'melted' for Ana.
Ana- She was spunky, and again optimistic and bubbly. She was a very great character. Definitely the most real disney princess. (She was clumsy, she didn't wake up perfectly, she was forgetful, awkward, etc.)
Elsa- I really didn't like her very much, but she added a good elament to the story. Her ice was awesome and in the end she really loved her little sister.
Kristoff- He was a great character too. He had a pet reindeer! He also played music. :) He wasn't the classic Disney prince. In the beginning he was kind of grumpy but by the end of the movie he had sacrificed a lot for love. It wasn't just handed to him and I thought he was a really good character.
Hans- He was a good villain. He was deceptive and just dorky enough to be believable.
Sven- He's loyal and sweet and a really great sidekick.
The plot:
It was actually pretty good. They had the right elements to make a good story. I thought it was actually very good.
The Scenery:
The music:
I loved most of the music, some of it was kind of funny, some of it was cool, some of it was just awesome, meaning the beginning song that they sing in norwegian. I love that one, I've memorized it all.
Now you might still be saying 'I still don't like it.' But you probably are saying that because it was so overdone. You saw it everywhere. At the store. Online. In your little brother's bedroom. Or maybe your expectations were really high and it didn't quite match those expectations. Whatever it was maybe it messed up your view of it. But it was actually a very good movie.
Thanks for the time,
Randomly Brainy
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